self-confidence and motivation


• Cleanses other stones

• Boosts vitality, motivation, and creativity.

• Gives courage and allows you to trust yourself.

• Place near the front door
to protect the home
and invite prosperity.

Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer
Element: Fire
Chakra: Sacral, Base

red tiger eye

• Provides motivation and removes lethargy

• Promotes self-care
and self-love

• Enhances confidence
and self-esteem

• Grounds energy

Zodiac: Capricorn
Element: Fire
Chakra: Base


• A sunny disposition stone,
 it encourages optimism, enthusiasm, and joy

• Effective for seasonal affective disorder

• Promotes independence and vitality while removing procrastination

Zodiac: Leo, Libra
Element: Fire, Air
Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus

orange calcite

• Vitalizes the
lower chakras

• Balances the emotions
and removes fear

• Maximizes potential

• Increases personal motivation and drive

Zodiac: Cancer
Element: Earth
Chakra: Sacral

orange selenite

• Caution: Dissolves when wet

• Grounds divine energy within our bodies

• Attracts positive energies

• Excellent for manifesting goals and dreams

• Encourages self-esteem
and self-confidence

Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Air, Water
Chakra: Sacral