
Clarity mentoring with shona

Is there a truth within you struggling to emerge? An inner calling from the deepest part of you asking to be heard? Through mindfulness and meditation, energy healing, connecting with nature, and clarity mentoring Shona helps women understand and embrace their true natures and life purpose. Explore how to discern your own true purpose from the expectations of others, and how to work through your own fear, and step into a life that feels authentic and joyful. Clarity mentoring sessions can be done in person or virtually, and can include occasional sessions or a Clarity Mentoring coaching package.

Click here to learn more about Shona

60 minute clarity mentoring sessions – $125, package pricing available.

Sessions are offered on Wednesdays and some Saturdays by appointment only.

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


earth medicine consultations with shona

Shona has a strong connection to the natural world and a divine connection to animal spirit guides. If you would like to uncover the messages from the animal spirits working with you now or connect with those which are your life-long animal guides, Shona would love to support you. An Earth Medicine session may also include intuitively chosen flower essences, drumming, feather/breath work and meditation.

Click here to learn more about Shona

60 minute earth medicine consultation – $125

90 minute earth medicine consultation – $175

Sessions are offered on Wednesdays and some Saturdays by appointment only.

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


empowerment sessions with Meghan

Want to feel empowered everyday to kick your life in the ass and live it to the fullest?  Let’s make a plan together, and help you refocus your energy! Includes two, one-on-one 45 minute appointments. The first session we use your intake form and a mini Tarot Reading to see what’s really stopping you. During your second session, we will work with your uniquely blended aromatherapy empowerment perfume, personalized manifestation intention and the crystal picked out intuitively for you. The appointment will end with a short guided meditation, along with a mini Reiki session to help you fully step into your authentic self.

Click here to learn more about Meghan

Two – 45 minute empowerment sessions – $155. Sessions are offered by appointment only.

Text or call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


mediumship and psychic reading with jenn

As a Clairvoyant, Seer, Medium and Channel it is a divine pleasure to be a facilitator of these experiences. Every session is a unique experience where Jenn will tune in as a Psychic-Medium, Seer, Channel and Mentor to offer her local and international clients tools and guidance to carry on through their journey. The intention of every unique session is to uplift, empower, provide tools and guidance to enlighten your path and bring clarity to your journey.  

Click here to learn more about Jenn

The World Session: A deep dive into your world. Exploring limitations, opportunities, messages and possibilities. $200 (approximately 1 hour) Prepayment required.

Sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only.

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


new decision therapy™ (NDT) with shona

Is there someone you’ve been thinking about forgiving? Forgiving them could be an important moment in your life.

New Decision Therapy™ uses kinesiology (muscle testing) and a process of forgiveness that offers a precise and effective way to:
• Forgive anyone about absolutely anything • Free yourself of the past quickly & permanently • Generate genuine health & happiness
• Let go of unresolved guilt, anger & regret once and for all • Move forward in your life with love, acceptance & peace
Shona is a New Decision Therapy™ practitioner trained and certified by the creator of NDT, Kandis Blakely.

“When women awaken, mountains move…” Chinese Proverb

Click here to learn more about Shona

One-hour NDT Session with Shona is $125

Sessions are offered on Wednesdays and some Saturdays by appointment only.

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


Plant Spirit Healing with Elaine

A Plant Spirit Healing session with Elaine helps to clear blockages in the client’s energy field and inspire them to live in alignment with their truth, their destiny. Plant Spirits (or Guides) are channeled into the client’s body or energy field to help with the process and can offer a helping hand in bringing someone into alignment and restoring wellbeing. A session may include: chakra clearing; deep listening; channeled messages from plant beings; purification with crystals, feathers and/or sound; soul retrieval; mindfulness and/or meditation techniques. Client may lay on healing amethyst bio-mat for duration of session. The plants are excited to help humanity at this time to co-create a harmonious, healthy & joyous existence!

Click here to learn more about Elaine

90 Minute Plant Spirit Healing Session with Elaine is $150+HST or 3 Sessions special for $400+HST. Pre-payment required. 

Free 15-min phone consultation for first time clients is encouraged. No refunds but appointment may be rescheduled with a minimum of 48hrs notice. Sessions are offered on Thursdays by appointment only.

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment.


reiki treatment

Reiki is a Japanese technique that treats the whole person including body, mind & spirit in a simple, natural, gentle, and safe method. Reiki energy is grounding and protecting and can enhance a person’s natural ability to heal. Benefits of a Reiki treatment can include relaxation, reduction of stress and anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced health and wellbeing. This one-hour treatment is done with a light touch and your clothes remain on. *Please indicate any allergies to smoke/herb/essential oils before your appointment.*

REIKI WITH SHONA: 60 Minute – $110, 90 Minute – $160, 2 hours (Reiki plus intuitive clarity mentoring): $200

Sessions available on Wednesdays and some Saturdays with Shona

Click here to learn more about Shona

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment.


tarot and oracle reading

A divination session with Oracle or Tarot Cards is a wonderful way to gain insight into your current path and see where your choices are leading you. Card readings are great during times of change, transition, or even indecision. Not to mention they’re fun! Come see what the cards have in store for you.

Readings are offered on Wednesdays and some Saturdays with Shona.

Click here to learn more about Shona

30 minutes – $75
60 minutes – $125

Call 519-307-1112, or visit 23 Mill Street, Orangeville for availability or to book your appointment


astrology with Lisa

When you think about your zodiac sign, you’re likely identifying only your sun sign (Pisces, Libra, etc.) but it only gives you a vague sense of who you are. In order to get a more complete picture of your personality, you have to dive deep into the planetary alignments at the time of your birth. Lisa can help you navigate the stars to reveal personality traits, emotions, fate and more. You will receive your report in a beautiful PDF to keep and refer to at any time. These are not computer generated reports, each one is custom made just for you. Lisa offers three premium astrology services: 

Big Three – $25 report only, $45 with 30 minute meeting

Big Three Art Prints – $15 Digital File, $25 Print, $50 Framed Print plus shipping if applicable

Natal Chart – $110 report only, $150 with 65 minute meeting

Life Path Number – $15 report only, $30 with 20 minute meeting

Click here to learn more about Lisa

Email Lisa at for more information or to book your astrology reading.



distance reiki with shona

Reiki is a form of energy healing, developed in Japan over 200 years ago by Dr. Mikao Usui.

Reiki can heal over any distance (across cities, countries, oceans) and offers calming, uplifting
and balancing energy in these uncertain times. Distance Reiki can also help to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue – while you rest in the comfort of your own home. Shona offers Distance Reiki over Zoom or by phone if preferred.

Click here to learn more about Shona

One-hour distance Reiki session with Shona is $110

To book your appointment with Shona, please call 416-839-8878 or email


distance healing with sydney

Within sacred space, Sydney connects with your energy and the support of Mother Earth. Working with a combination of Usui Reiki, crystals and cleansing, she’ll work to bring your aura, Chakras and personal power into balance; to shed what isn’t serving your greatest potential, and release what’s holding you in place so you can move forward. The session will end with a card pull for a peek of insight into what’s ahead for you following your healing. 

Sessions are delivered as a PDF ebook.

Sydney also offers Mini Crystal Healings, using intuitively selected crystals in an activated grid for your desired intention, if you’re not quite feeling a full healing session.


Click here to learn more about Sydney’s sessions and to schedule a Distant Healing. 


tarot, earth medicine and clarity mentoring

with shona

Shona continues to offer virtual Tarot readings, Earth Medicine sessions and Clarity Mentoring via Zoom.
She looks forward to offering you intuitive insight, guidance and healing – experienced from the safety
and comfort of your home. A recording of your session is included.

Click here to learn more about Shona

Online Tarot: 1 hour $125

Online Earth Medicine: 1 hour $125

Online Clarity Mentoring: 1 hour $125

To book your appointment with Shona, please call 416-839-8878 or email


TAROT READING with sydney

The Tarot has allowed us to glimpse behind the shadows of the Unknown for centuries. Fascinated by the possibility of changing our fate, we actively seek the offerings of divine guidance. Sydney’s readings are love letters, guiding you to heal old wounds, bet on yourself, and take back your divine power to choose. She offers readings to tickle any divinatory fancy, including PDF ebooks, audio mp3 recordings (her fave), and Zoom. She also offers handwritten letter readings using the classic Waite-Smith deck, for those who wish for a little old-world in their guidance (pairs wonderfully with a candle and a cup of tea).


Click here to learn more about Sydney’s reading options and to book yours now.


mediumship and psychic reading with jenn

Jenn tunes into physical and non-physical energy for a faerie unique Psychic-Medium, Mentoring reading experience. In your Psychic Empowerment Reading, you have the opportunity to ask questions you are seeking clarification on as Jenn channels through the highest and best messages for you at this time. In your reading, we will connect with your Inner Being and Divine Source Energy for guidance and tools to create your next chapter of your Happily Ever After. Prepayment required.

Click here to learn more about Jenn

Over the Phone – The World Session: A deep dive into your world. Exploring limitations, opportunities, messages and possibilities. $200 (approximately 1 hour) 

Over the Phone – The Fool’s Session: For clarity and guidance on your current path. $130 (approximately 45 minutes)

Over the Phone – Aces Session: Focus on current inquiries, discovering opportunities. $100 (approximately 30 minutes)

 If you wish to book or gift a session, please email